
Wir bieten Ihnen die Software, die Sie suchen!

Auswertesoftware für das Laserscanning:

Sie benötigen Software, um Ihre Daten besser auswerten zu können?

Wir bieten Ihnen ergänzende Software, die z.B. die Auswertezeiten deutlich veringert.

Als ergänzende Software für Ihre vorhandene Software.

Oder aber als Maßanfertigung für Ihre speziellen Aufgaben.

Neue APPs finden Sie im FARO 3D App Center — die aktuellen Versionen finden Sie immer hier!

Verfügbare Sprachen für alle scantaxi APPs: Englisch!

For additional information click the desired APP-Image.

1) scantaxi Automated Registration

AutoReg - logo

Short description

scantaxi Automated Registration is a SCENE Plugin which simplifys the registration in order to save time and trouble. Thereby the workflow is nearly the same, the time needed to registrate a project can be significantly reduced, especially when more than 50 scans are conducted. Even though the first run of scantaxi Automated Registration might not be successful, it will reduce subsequent manual work.

scantaxi Automated Registration supports:

  • scans
  • spheres
  • checkerboards
  • circularflat targets and
  • point3ds
  • planes (rudimentarily)

2) scantaxi Coordinate Exporter

CooRex - logo

Short description

With the help of the scantaxi Coordinate Exporter local and/or global coordinates of

  • scans
  • spheres
  • checkerboards
  • circularflat targets and
  • point3ds

will be exported fast and automatic. These are useful for statistical analysis or to check the accommodation with an external tool.

3) Project Adjustment Helper

PAH - logo

Short description

scantaxi Project Adjustment Helper is a SCENE plugin developed to adjust projects in an easy and fast way.

It accumulates all information needed for JAG3D or rmNetz to calculate the adjustments and imports the results back to SCENE.


4) scantaxi ScantraConnect

SCANcon - logo

Short description

ScantraConnect is a SCENE App which connects SCENE and Scantra directly. This enables SCENE-projects to run a block adjustment without the need of target points. Thereby all references and inclinometer data will be considered by Scantra. ScantraConnect applies all information in the SCENE project calculated by Scantra (
Scantra ( is a program for automated registration of laserscan point clouds based on identical planes and points. Prior to its registration, the relative positions of the point clouds are unknown. Applying Scantra, overlapping Scans are automatically oriented with high precision and reliability. This is achieved by automatic dectection and matching of identical planes instead of target points.
Following the mutual orientation of the scan pairs, all point clouds are oriented via block adjustment in a common reference coordinate system.

5) scantaxi Transformation Copy

TraCo - logo

Short description

scantaxi Transformation Copy is designed to transfer transformation data between similar scans in different projects.
The project should be "registered", otherwise Transformation Copy will make no sense.


6) scantaxi Transformation Remover

TraRem - logo

Short description

scantaxi Transformation Remover easily “removes” the transformation data from clusters and other objects (mathematical correct: sets the transformation matrix to identity matrix).


7) scantaxi Transformation Importer

TrImp - logo

Short description

scantaxi Transformation Importer is a SCENE App which imports orientation files directly.
Thereafter, it is possible to use other SCENE functions, like Webshare, WebshareCloud or pointclouds, without registrating scans in SCENE.

scantaxi Transformation Importer supports:

  • LuposScan
  • Polyworks (4x4 matrix)
  • Polyworks (euler values)
  • ... for customisation request please contact us.

8) scantaxi Report

TraRem - logo

Short description

scantaxi Report is designed to report (show) all deviations of objects (depending on the mean or reference values). The project has to be "preregistered", because Report will use the coordiantes of the objects to calculate correspondences.


9) scantaxi scan coins

TraRem - logo

Short description

scantaxi scan coins is NOT an APP! develops SCENE PlugIn APPs to make the work with SCENE easier and/or faster.

scantaxi APPs will be offered with different licensing models.

Some of this license models will need some scantaxi scan coins to work!



  • January 2025
    Because FARO discontinued the API without informing the developers,
    our APPs will no longer run from SCENE version 2024.x!
    The conversion of the APPs will probably take until the third quarter of 2025!
    We apologize for the circumstances!
    Workaround: Unfortunately use the old versions of SCENE only!


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+49 (0)30 3 260 260 5


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Scanner und Technik






Hilfe bei Projekten


Erfahrung von über
24 Jahren im Laserscanning!

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